Dear NGO Representatives,
Ecological Society Endemit is building a Network comprised of civil society organisations (CSO) which pursue the common purpose of sustainable development in the public interest. Our aim is to disseminate knowledge regarding to the newest trends in environmental protection. This network will be part of activities conducted within project called “CSO Engagement with Ecological Economics”. The main goal of the networking would be surveying and assessing CSO / ecological economics collaboration in the Balkans, as well as civil society trends, in order to strategise for future research initiatives between CSOs and ecological economists in the region.
We kindly ask you to join our network and participate at data collecting which is one of the first steps in process of applying ecological economics knowledge and tools in order to solve environmental problems of greatest importance. Our starting point is to recognise priorities and estimate facts, at first.
This network will include all leading Balkan CSOs with the final aim to improve access to expertise, information and practical methods for applying ecological economics as a “science of sustainability” to their work. All this will be possible with significant help of important Institutes and NGOs already dealing with this contemporary science.
As a part of the network, your organisation becomes potential partner on this project and we will contact all short listed candidates. This membership also includes participation at future planned projects in this diverse field.
Replaying on this message your organisation will automatically become part of our network and you will agree with information exchanging. Additionally, as a network member you will receive further information that will elucidate some facts regarding project goals and potential results.
Please, respond as soon as possible - deadline is 31.05.2008. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Please find Project summary below.
Kind regards,
Ecological Society Endemit
E-mail: office@endemit.org.rs
+381 64 1790 820
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Download Project summary (pdf format)
Ecological Society "Endemit" is partner of the CEECEC project: CEECEC (Civil Society Engagement with ECological EConomics) is a European Commission FP7 funded project that aims to enable Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to engage in and lead collaborative research with ecological economists. Click here to read the latest newsletter and here to access CSO case studies of environmental conflict.