April 2009
On invitation by the Romanian organization Pro-Mehedinti from the Danubian town Turnu Severin, three members of Endemit have visited Romania. The occasion was the official Tourist Fair and discussion on possible collaboration of the two organizations to encourage the development of the environmental and economic (tourist) potentials in the cross-border area.
The date of the visit coincided with the days of Severin, which take place every year on the 22nd and 23rd of April when the birthday of the town and the religious feast day of its patron saint, St. George, are celebrated. At this time every year, Turnu Severin is especially vibrant and visited.
During the three-day stay, the members of Endemit had a meeting with the cordial hosts from the Association Pro-Mehedinti from Romania and the representatives of the National Park Djerdap from Serbia , whereupon a good foundation was set for the cooperation between our NGOs and interested state institutions.
Since these cross-border regions represent a significant environmental and tourist potential, which specifically lies in the National Park Djerdap on Serbian and National Park Portile de Fier (Iron Gates) on the Romanian side, the talks were conducted in an atmosphere of mutual interest, ending in conclusion that the establishment of a partner collaboration was realistic and possible option, to be followed by a series of beneficial and concrete actions. The aim of these actions would be to enhance the economy of the cross-border region, alongside with the protection of the biodiversity of the national parks as the areas of the I category of protection.
This was followed by another inspiring meeting with the representatives of the Museum "Iron Gates", as the top museum of the Mehedinti Council. By kindness of the Museum representatives, the Endemit members were guided through the valuable historical, natural sciences and ethnography and folklore section of the Museum. Stimulating conversations with our Museum host were also held, in mutual recognition of the necessity of initiating the cooperation on projects important for both countries.
Museum "Iron Gates"
Another meeting has been agreed on, this time in Serbia, and will be hosted by our long-standing colleagues from the National Park Djerdap, with whom the Ecological Society Endemit has had a long and fruitful cooperation. The representatives of the Young Researchers of Bor, from Bor, will also be invited to participate.
To be continued…

Exibition of the Museum "Iron Gates"

Model of the
Trajan's Bridge
on the Danube river